Disaster Demystified: Your Questions Answered

What’s the deal with Home Fires?

  • Home fires affect more people than all other major disasters.

  • The recovery from a home fire is no different than that of a large scale disaster but these people do not have access to the same federal and state resources.

    • There are over 1,000 home fires every day in the U.S.

    • There are 9 home fires every day in Colorado.

    • There are 2 home fires every day in the Denver Metro Area.

  • OFP was created and exists to create a community for home fire survivors - a community that they lack as they experience these disasters in isolation.

  • There is no other organization in the country that provides long-term recovery support for home fire survivors.

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Helpful Videos

Ever used a fire extinguisher? It’s super easy - learn everything you need to know in 90 seconds.

Here’s a glimpse into the journey of a disaster survivor in the months and years after a fire.